June 8, 2021
SCREEN Americas announces its sponsorship of research recently conducted by the Book Manufacturers’ Institute, a non-profit trade association for the book manufacturing industry. The purpose of the research was to determine whether or not parents preferred print or electronic educational material for their children. The results were unequivocally in favor of print.
The Book Manufacturers’ Institute assigned a third party to conduct a survey targeting 1,000 parents with children attending school at either the primary or secondary level or both. Recipients were asked questions that focused mostly on their child’s or children’s educational experience while attending school remotely during the past year and more specifically, whether or not electronic material had a more positive impact on an individual’s learning experience than printed material. The results were overwhelmingly supportive of the print product with 76 percent of parents finding print books extremely helpful and 69 percent preferring print to digital if given the choice.
Parents’ frustrations with online learning have been amplified during the pandemic lockdown. There’s a greater temptation for children to wander away from their studies and onto more amusing platforms when learning on a digital device, the study found. More than 80 percent of those surveyed indicated that print materials would definitely improve home instruction.
With a restored interest in printed educational materials, SCREEN Americas is well prepared to meet the latest demands of book printers with its high-speed inkjet portfolio, particularly with the Truepress Jet520HD series. Offering speed, quality and flexibility, the Truepress Jet520HD allows book printers the ability to run a fixed number of copies and avoid printing excess inventory that typically coincides with an offset press. “Having the ability to produce the exact number of copies needed on demand as well as additional copies at a later date is a huge advantage for those in publishing and education,” said Mark Schlimme, vice president of marketing for SCREEN Americas.
As a member of the Book Manufacturers’ Institute, SCREEN Americas contributes to the interdependent needs of those in book publishing and printing. It joins its fellow member companies in producing more than 85 percent of the books published in the United States.
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SCREEN Graphic Solutions Co., Ltd. (SCREEN GA) announces the launch of the Truepress JET 520NX AD, the next generation of the highly successful Truepress JET 520NX.
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